What We Do

Prenuptial Agreement Attorneys in Northern Virginia

Northern Virginia Attorneys

Prenuptial Agreements

Northern Virginia Prenup Lawyers

Prenuptial agreements can be extremely useful instruments in protecting one’s separate property should the marriage ever end in divorce. Sometimes referred to as premarital agreements, they provide each spouse the opportunity to clearly identify the assets he or she owned prior to the date of the wedding.

In some instances, the prenuptial agreement will also be used to establish parameters for child support, spousal support, and other considerations. While it is possible for some people to see these agreements as showing a lack of faith in the relationship, they genuinely represent the spouses’ best opportunity to protect their future interests.

The northern Virginia family law attorneys at HALE BALL MURPHY, PLC help clients across northern Virginia with the drafting and review of even the most complex prenuptial agreements. We have represented business owners, professionals, executives, and spouses on both sides of these negotiations.

Advantages of a Prenuptial Agreement

One of the biggest advantages of having a prenuptial agreement is what it saves you down the line. By preparing a well-written agreement that both spouses have been given ample time to consider, the spouses save themselves from incalculable amounts of emotional distress and argument down the line. In addition, it will save them time and money by avoiding the need to settle these issues during the divorce.

Our attorneys have extensive experience with these matters, and we know what goes into writing a prenuptial agreement that will hold up under scrutiny by the court and opposing counsel. We work to ensure that the agreement is executed in a way that will be recognized under the law, and ensure that all parties are given sufficient opportunity to review and contemplate the terms of the agreement in an effort to avoid potential duress claims later. Our attorneys can assist with any legal needs that may arise from a divorce, including divorce litigation itself, asset division, and name changes. Contact our attorneys today for legal aid.

Schedule a Consultation with an Experienced Attorney

If you have a question, we encourage you to schedule a confidential consultation with one of our Northern Virginia lawyers. To make an appointment call us at the above telephone number 1-703-591-4900 or use the contact form below.

Since 1980 the AV-rated law firm of HALE BALL MURPHY, PLC has served the legal needs of individuals and businesses. Our team of attorneys include lawyers named to Super Lawyer and Rising Star lists, as well as attorneys with advanced legal degrees, specialty certifications and lawyers who teach their areas of practice to other lawyers.

Use the contact form on this page to schedule a consultation, or call 703-591-4900.

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10511 Judicial Dr
Fairfax, VA 22030

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