The Latest From the HALE BALL MURPHY, PLC Team



What is Undue Influence?

Determining whether or not you’ve encountered undue influence is imperative...

Discovering Undue Influence

Determining whether or not you’ve encountered undue influence is imperative...

Handling Undue Influence

Determining whether or not you’ve encountered undue influence is imperative...

Our Top Blog Posts

Working Remotely With Your Attorney

Working Remotely With Your Attorney

Determining whether or not you’ve encountered undue influence is imperative...
2021 Child Tax Credit: Eligibility and What You Need to Know

2021 Child Tax Credit: Eligibility and What You Need to Know

Determining whether or not you’ve encountered undue influence is imperative...
What Does it Mean to Litigate a Case?

What Does it Mean to Litigate a Case?

Determining whether or not you’ve encountered undue influence is imperative...

HALE BALL MURPHY, PLC is committed to providing you with excellent service while protecting the health and safety of our clients and staff. We offer videoconferencing, conference calls and electronic communication, as well as traditional in-person consultations. We are taking precautions to maintain a healthy office environment. As events evolve concerning COVID-19, we will strive to provide outstanding service in a socially responsible manner. Please contact us if you have any concerns.